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Letter Factory

Letter of Recommendation

First Sergeant Recommendation

Key Points to Writing
  • While writing, remember the purpose of the letter.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word) and avoid common misspellings
  • Watch Tense Shifts, going from "s" to "ed"
  • Keep the text simple
  • Avoid acronyms and jargon, the people reading the letter are not familiar with it.


The following example Letter of Recommendation for a member to become a First Sergeant was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!

Reply To: [Unit/Office Symbol]


SUBJECT: Letter of Recommendation

1. It is my honor to write a letter of recommendation for MSgt <FNAME> <LNAME> as she makes her way through to becoming a First Sergeant. I’ve had the pleasure of working with <FNAME> for over a year and I’ve observed her interactions with her troops and superiors. Having been a Squadron Section Commander for over six years, I can say with personal knowledge and experience that MSgt <FNAME> <LNAME> has the right stuff to be a First Shirt, holding the troops accountable while ensuring they're being taken care of.

2. <FNAME>'s professional qualities set the standard for enlisted and officer alike. Her dress and appearance, customs and courtesies, work ethic, and dedication to her job and troops are unmatched by her peers, subordinates, and many of her superiors. MSgt <LNAME>'s personal qualities set her above the rest as she puts the needs of the troops before her own. She's been there for troops who've experienced devastating personal loss, have had monetary issues, and she interceded when a troop made a suicidal gesture, securing the help he needed to get his life together.

3. It is my professional and personal opinion that MSgt <FNAME> <LNAME> will be a perfect match for special duty as a First Sergeant. If I were a commander and given a choice of 'Shirts,' <FNAME> would be my #1 pick hands down. I give few guarantees in my career, but here is one: accept MSgt <FNAME> <LNAME> as a First Sergeant and you won't regret it!

4. If I can be of further assistance or if you desire further information, feel free to contact me via email at <EMAIL ADDRESS>.

                                                                                 [First M. Last], [Rank], USAF

Note: Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

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Letter Added: 22 July 2007

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Revised: 04/24/06.