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Letter Factory

Letter of Recommendation

Position of Trust, Special Duty, and/or Employment Position

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Key Points to Writing
  • While writing, remember the purpose of the letter.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word) and avoid common misspellings
  • Watch Tense Shifts, going from "s" to "ed"
  • Keep the text simple
  • Avoid acronyms and jargon, the people reading the letter are not familiar with it.


The following Letter of Recommendation example was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!

Army Service Forces
United States Engineer Office
P.O. Box 1539
Santa Fe, New Mexico


To Whom It May Concern:

Mr. [First M. Last Name] has served this office as Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention since 1 June 1946, on which date the office was established. During his association with the Office he has carried out his duties with the utmost in efficiency and dispatch and has displayed ability and willingness to perform work beyond the requirements of his position.

Mr. [Last Name] is remarkably well informed in all phases of firefighting, fire protection and fire prevention and has demonstrated a marked ability in the field of instruction - both the technical aspects of firefighting to the firemen and the presentation of fire prevention to the public.

As an individual Mr. [Last Name] is, in my estimation, a superior type. He is of sound character, industrious and a most pleasant and congenial person. He works effectively and harmoniously with both superiors and subordinates.

I am sorry Mr. [Last Name] is leaving us since he has been a definite asset to the organization and it has been a pleasure to work with him. I recommend him without reservation for any position requiring responsibility, good judgment and good workmanship.

[First M. Last Name]
Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention

Note: Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

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Letter Added: 24 April 2006

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Revised: 04/24/06.