| Letter Factory Nomination LetterRecommendation for AFSA Division Member of the Year |
| Key Points to Writing - If you haven't already, Take a writing class. English Comp will do.
- WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
- Ask for HELP, not knowing what you are doing can hurt you, your "Airmen" and unit.
- Use various writing resources like Merriam-Webster Online
- Use a spell checker. (F7 Word)
- Remember, there is a purpose for writing a letter or MFR.
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Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!SUBJECT: Recommendation for AFSA Division Member of the Year
TO: Division 3 President
1. The following information is provided as justification for the award listed above.
a. <First M. Last Name> , Member # <??????>, <Home Address>, Chapter <???>.
b. <First Last Name> is the Chief, Customer Service, Military Personnel Flight, 916th Air Refueling Wing, at Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina. She is a Technical Sergeant in the Air Force Reserve, and also a GS-7 civil service technician. She was born in Vernon, CT and graduated from Pathfinder Technical High School, Palmer, MA in May 1988. She has a CCAF Associates degree in Fitness, Recreation and Services Management. <First Name> will be awarded two additional Associate degrees in 2005 for Information Management and Personnel Management. She is currently striving for a Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Education. She has held numerous Chapter 371 positions in AFSA; the Reserve Liaison in 2001, Communications/Public Affairs Liaison and Vice President from 2002-2003, President in 2004 and now as the Senior Advisor. She is currently an active member on the Division Membership Committee and is dedicated to working with other division chapters to keep our membership numbers up! She is also involved with the American Legion, Veteran’s and Patriot’s Coalition, the Military Affairs Committee, Church on the Rock Training Ministry and as always she is the first one to volunteer for any event. <First Name> and her daughter, Diana live in Goldsboro and are active not only in the local community but in the surrounding counties as well.
c. Personal involvement:
1) Community and/or base - The Epitome of the Air Force’s Core Values: Integrity, Service Before Self and Excellence In All We Do! - TDY from Jan to Mar 2004, <First Name> didn’t miss a beat and volunteered for the Special Olympics at Keesler AFB MS - Mentored students in her Personnel technical school; received accolades from instructors and the Commander - Led a group of 35 AFSA members to place flags on Veteran’s graves during Memorial Day weekend - Created certificates and presented them to 125 SSgt’s in the 916 Air Refueling Wing at their promotion ceremony - Dedicated! Base POC for 15 Squadrons and Team Co-Captain for Relay For Life, putting in over 100 hours and raising $800.00 for American Cancer Society - Selected to assist in the fireworks show and worked the AFSA booth during annual 4th of July weekend at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base - Assisted with drink booth during local Center Street Jams; raising $2,000 for the YMCA Warm Hearts Program mentoring to teens and young adults - Registered over 1,000 runners for Rock and Roll Marathon in Virginia Beach, VA on Labor Day weekend - Volunteered to patrol base housing for Halloween Evening to help protect over 2,500 residents - Picked as traffic coordinator for city Veteran’s Day parade and Flag Bearer at wreath laying ceremony for Wayne County - Manned the food booth at the “Wings over Wayne” base Air show; raised $700.00 for AFSA Chapter 371 - Conducted monthly briefings for Family Support Center; ensured spouses were informed on special opportunities and up to date information and provided refreshments - Assisted Eastern Wayne High School JROTC Dining-In banquet and Veteran Affairs Military Ball as a chaperone - Dedicated to caring; Unselfishly carried unit on-call cell phone in case of emergencies or responses to questions from family members of deployed personnel - Nominee for NCO of the quarter for Oct – Dec 2004
2) Legislative - Briefed Airmen Leadership School and First Term Airmen on membership and the Association - Personally asked to speak at seven AF Reserve Commanders Calls - Informed deploying members on importance of voting; provided on the spot absentee ballots during processing line - Passionately spoke on several current legislative issues at Chapter meetings
3) Membership recruitment and development - Excels at challenges! Garnered 35 new recruits within four months after Chapter Sky High recruiters PCS’d - Active member of new Division 3 Membership Committee; assisting other division chapters increase membership numbers - Dedicated to the cause! Mailed hundreds of retention/re-join mailers from Dale Lutzen; reaching out to keep the lines of communication open - Managed the AFSA booth during Retiree’s Appreciation Day; signed up four new members - Organized AFSA booth for 916 Air Refueling Wing picnic; briefed new members on outstanding AFSA benefits - Communicator! In constant touch with AD Affairs Trustee, CMSgt Fallen and International Committee about new ideas for recruitment of members and auxiliary
4) Other Chapter projects - Spearheaded the adoption of a local POW/MIA USAF/SNCO from Goldsboro, NC as Chapter President - Advisor for local POW/MIA dinner with nearly 100 attendees including State Senator John Kerr and Mayor of Goldsboro Al King - Instinctive Leader! Shepherded a group of 30 AFSA members traveling over 200 miles to Charlotte, NC on two separate occasions to participate in Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child” during November and December; processed over 1000 shoeboxes for needy children in Rwanda and around the world
d. Local community involvement - Elected Parent Teacher Association Secretary for Greenwood Middle School; planned/chaperoned dances and field trips for children - Assisted Wayne County Schools with end of grade test proctoring - Handpicked by the Veteran’s and Patriots Coalition as the honorary guest speaker for Wayne County Memorial Day celebration; awesome feedback from all who attended! - Coordinated over 8 children’s games for 916th Wing Picnic; 175 dependent children and parents satisfied - Worked logistical setup with American Cancer Society during Relay For Life; set up signs, painted lines for tents for county wide event featuring over 5,000 people
e. <First Name> is a living, breathing, walking, talking dynamo for AFSA! She excels in every area she touches both personally and professionally. In 2004, <First Name> was recognized as a Superior Performer three different times; at her Personnel Technical School, during an Air Force Staff Assistance Team Visit, and by the HQ Air Force Reserve Command Inspector General for the Wing’s Unit Compliance Inspection (UCI). During the UCI she was lauded for achieving 100% on all the programs she manages. <First Name> has received numerous letters and certificates of appreciation from the Reserve Wing, AFSA and the local community for giving over 650 hours of volunteer assistance during her off duty time. Family is near and dear to her, so you will often see her daughter volunteering shoulder to shoulder with her at many of these events. Commanders and First Sgt’s call on <First Name> when they need an answer to an important question or when the need for volunteers arises. She loves helping out any time or any where; even if it’s unloading bags when a deployment returns! <First Name> easily soars above the rest in every way. It’s her desire to see AFSA succeed which is so apparent in everything she does for Chapter 371. <First Name> extremely deserves to be recognized as AFSA’s 2004 Division 3 Member of the Year!
<<SIGNED>> AFSA Chapter 371 President
Reminder, the closing line is 5 spaces below the last line of text. |