| Letter Factory MemorandumExample SrA BTZ Nomination |
| Key Points to Writing - WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
- Ask for HELP, the only person looking out for #1 is you.
- The only person looking out for your Airmen is YOU!
- Use a spell checker. F7 works great in MS Word.
- Use Merriam-Webster Online to improve your vocabulary.
The following Example is from a Word doc. If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so. If you have found this information useful, please let me know. Everyone of these letters has taken considerable amount of time to put together. Please treat yourself to something special from one of the ads on the page. We will both get something out of it. (All money gathered pays for hosting fees and domain fees. HONESTLY, when I see money come in it also prompts me to work harder on the site.)
FROM: ????/CC
AIC <First Last> is nominated for BTZ selection based on the following achievements:
JOB PERFORMANCE - Provided technical expertise in engineering communication requirements for relocation of Distributed Ground Station ## mission shelters; saved Air Force $500K in engineering, install cost - Procured and installed over $75K of fiber optic material; built cable trays and ladders—efforts made this critical project an overwhelming success—kept project on-time and under budget - Completed early warning U-2 communications link upgrade; spent numerous hours debugging secure voice circuits; enabled completion of an 18-month project that eluded senior technicians -- Provided ### pilots awareness of hostile forces; enabled them to travel unmolested over Balkans - Succeeded again where others had not; installed Mobile Stretch alarms; secured Top Secret assets - Took Responsibility for deployed site fire safety—obtained fire extinguishers for inspection and service, mounted and redistributed items; high-priority commander’s tasking for water-less site - Relocated secret communication system; made building improvements to meet security needs
LEADERSHIP/SUPERVISORY ABILITY - Maintained a $50K Automated Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) account while deployed - Reorganized site COMSEC program to bolster compliance due to previous unsatisfactory rating -- Reviewed, identified and corrected documentation discrepancies; turned the program around
AWARDS/RECOGNITION - Supported Operation JOINT FORGE—received NATO Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal - ####’s April “Technician of the Month” for superior performance on high-visibility projects
TRAINING/EDUCATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Received intensive training on COMSEC; trained seven airman on COMSEC responsibilities - Completed Career Development Course 40% ahead of schedule; finished ahead of peers
OFF-DUTY/UNIT INVOLVEMENT - Contributed 90 hours as a volunteer income tax assistant; airman able to do taxes free of charge - Improved rapport with Italian hosts while deployed by playing sports, built greater camaraderie
##########, LTC, USAF
Note: This was a winning package. |