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The Typical Day

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Table of Contents

Getting to Know Your Boss Time Management The Schedule Suspense Tracking & Following Up Correspondence
The Boss’ Quick Reference Book
Protocol and Special Events Staff Meetings Technical Issues The Staff Car The Typical Day
A: Commander’s Call Action Plan B: Sample Background Paper C: Sample Protocol 3X5 Cards D: Sample Commander’s Reference Book E: Sample Exec Continuity Book
Example Desk Layout


0630   You arrive for work
0630-0710   Get the Boss’ office ready for his/her arrival, using your Morning Check List.
0715 Boss arrives Greet the Boss, briefly review the day’s schedule and point out any additional information he/she may need.
0715-0800 Paper work/E-mail The Boss can use this time to get the day going. Reading the folders you prepared the day before and answering E-mail messages first will get him/her off on the right foot. In the meantime, you should review and prepare for the first appointment of the day.
0800-0830 Mr John Smith,XYZ Company The first appointment should not begin until 0800, to give the Boss time to get settled. You should have noted on the schedule the name of the visitor and purpose of the visit.
0900-1000 Staff Meeting You are in charge of staff meetings.  You prepare the agenda, and NO ONE
should be surprised—neither the Boss nor members of the staff.
1000-1015 Travel to Awards Ceremony Know exactly where the ceremony is to take place, and ensure there is Reserved parking for the Boss’ car.   Have the car in place when the Boss is
ready to leave. Ensure the Boss is wearing the correct uniform, and cross check him/her to ensure everything is in place. On the way, remind the Boss to review the 3X5 card you placed in the HOT folder last night.
1015-1100 Awards Ceremony In most cases, you should be the narrator if the Boss is presenting the award. You should have walked through the ceremony with the medal bearer and staff long before now.
1100-1300 Lunch While the Boss takes this time for whatever he/she likes to do, use your time wisely. Grab a bite of lunch, then use the rest of the time to proof and prepare correspondence. If paperwork came in this morning which demands the Boss’ attention today, then prepare his HOT folder and place on the desk for his/her return. Plan ahead for the afternoon’s events, and do your staff work, i.e., proof read, call and ask questions, draft letters,prompt Boss for personal notes, etc.
1315-1415 Budget Briefing You should have already given the Boss a copy of the briefing slides so he/she can prepare questions. Ensure the briefing room is set up, sound is adjusted, etc. Make sure the Boss knows the first name of the briefer.
1430-1600 Video Teleconference Know the subject, and ensure the Boss has all the background prior to start.  You should have placed this in the HOT folder last night. Ensure the Boss knows who is attending, both on the distant end and from his staff.
1600-?   After the video teleconference, the Boss has free time to work in the office. Use this time to prepare for tomorrow’s events and for paperwork.  Get the paperwork folders ready to Put on the Boss’ desk. Spend the rest of your time proofreading and other staff work.

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Page Added on: 24 January 2006